Deliverables are available

The Deliverables D1.5-Final_business_models  and D5.10-Final_report_on_cloud_computing   are available.

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Successful ITEA Review

On November the 5th, the international consortium successfully presented the current project state to selected ITEA officers. The review was held in Berlin, at the Charité Campus Mitte and was joined by at around 40 participants. In a 4-hour session, the ITEA officers were briefed about the works that were done in EASI-CLOUDS. Particular emphasis of the review was on the last year, but also on the achievements that were done during the entire project. As with the review, for most partners, the EASI-CLOUDS project is completed and the final state of most works was shown by means of presentations, live demos, or videos.

Thanks to an impressive joint performance, the EASI-CLOUDS consortium was able to convince the ITEA officers of the success of the endeavours that were done in the project. In fact, we received the immediate feedback, that the review was ‘the best review that the officers ever attended’ – we call this a big success!

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Research Paper Published: “FederatedCloudSim: An SLA-aware Federated Cloud Simulation Framework”

EASI-CLOUDS is publishing a paper about its simulation framework for federated clouds. “FederatedCloudSim: An SLA-aware Federated Cloud Simulation Framework” will be presented at the CrossCloud Brokers workshop in Bordeaux, France on the 8th December.

In cloud federations, cloud service providers (CSPs) join forces and thereby improve their services. They are better prepared for load peaks, extend their service catalogues and increase the number of potential customers. For migrating jobs to remote clouds or placing them in local data centers, CSPs require optimized scheduling and brokering strategies. “FederatedCloudSim” allows for designing and evaluating such strategies in simulated cloud federations. It is based on the framework “CloudSim” developed by the University of Melbourne.

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